Quidara, Autumn's Lonely Rose

In 2010 Sharon launched her second major solo exhibition, entitled "Quidara, Autumn's Lonely Rose." The collection of six mixed-media works explored the story of a derelict house. A landmark in her hometown of Blessington, Co. Wicklow, the building was once a fine home. Now, despite the fact that the house was demolished for development, it carries on echoing its history through Sharon's artwork.

This body of work weaves itself around the inhabitants of this place who are now long since gone from this world. Piecing the history of the inhabitants of Quidara together with the generosity of the Blessington community and working with poet, Luke Devlin, who created a spoken word narration, we created a lasting tribute to Quidara and Margaret the lady of the house. It is a story of beauty, memories, the beauty of ordinary lives, disrepair, loneliness, isolation and a connection to our past.

The Exhibition

A launch reception took place on Saturday 18th September 2010 at 7:00pm in The Grangecon Café, Blessington Village, Co. Wicklow.
The Exhibition was open to the public from Thursday September 9th until the end of October 2010.
The complete Quidara collection was acquired by The Citywest Hotel, in 2016. The Hotel also commissioned a further four art works to accompany the collection.

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